“Groupie Guy” a C &R contributor story
I am thrilled to see the response to my Catch and Release series. Thank you so much for your interest, support and responses. Another exciting update
For REVEALED Members Only… for now!
I am thrilled to see the response to my Catch and Release series. Thank you so much for your interest, support and responses. Another exciting update
What is a professional (S)expert? The path that led me to my passion of teaching the world about ‘sexual agency’. I am asked often
Rating Guy I didn’t really want to go out with him. I didn’t feel drawn to him or jazzed up about him but my friends
I’ve started a blog series called “Catch and Release”. It was born out of a series of conversations with a friend during my single days. I
One of my good friends and I were talking one night years into our single days and the conversation turned to one of our inevitable