Here’s the breakdown:
Lesson One: Sex Ed 101— For Women, By A Woman
We’ll learn about the nuances and differences in language as applied to the female body. We’ll explore female anatomy, orgasms, sex organs and why it all matters.
Lesson Two: Our Sex Scripts
What are your internal scripts about sex and where do they come from? We’ll look at the impact of so many external narratives about sex that may be hindering our enjoyment in the bedroom—and removing your power.
Lesson Three: Pleasure Thyself
Masturbation, fantasy, and the “taboo delights” that bring pleasure—alone or with another. We’ll explore why these elements matter and how to ensure that they’re a healthy aspect of your sexual wellness.
Lesson Four: Own Your Decisions—Claim Your Power
We’re diving deep into sexual assertiveness, sexual agency, and how we derive power from owning our decisions in the bedroom.
Lesson Five: You ARE Your Own (Sex)pert
Why being your own (Sex)pert matters.
Lesson Six: Your Sexy Superhero
We’re going to tap into the powerful hero dwelling within us. She’s longing to get out and we’re going to give her the space to appear—and dominate!